Leveraging Technology to Achieve Teaching Goals

The Importance of Classroom Technology in the Age of A.I. | Squarecap

Written by Squarecap Staff | Feb 27, 2020 7:41:09 PM

In a workplace shifting steadily towards automation, the necessity of technology in the classroom has never been more evident. Students entering college today have grown up in a digital environment and are open to learning with new methods beyond the traditional lecture/quiz/test.

Universities across the nation are already incorporating A.I. in new and innovative ways. Georgia Tech’s virtual teaching assistant can answer questions in a discussion forum, matching the ability of a live human. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute uses A.I. avatars that can teach their students Chinese, even recognizing gestures and expressions. This type of innovation will soon become the new norm with consequences, both positive and negative, not yet realized.

Beyond graduation, students will soon find A.I. competing with jobs that were once believed to be only capable of the human brain. According to artificial intelligence expert Kai Fu Lee, 40% of the world’s jobs may be replaced by autonomous robots within a 15-25 year time frame. Currently, positions most at risk of replacement include jobs with repetitive work such as drivers and cashiers. As more positions become automated, graduates will be forced to compete in an increasingly competitive job market for highly skilled and specialized positions.

So, what is a newly graduated human to do? The ability to learn and practice “soft skills” enables employees to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people, something that even the best A.I. programs have not yet accomplished.  According to LinkedIn’s latest data, the most in-demand soft skills are as follows:

  1.     Creativity
  2.     Persuasion
  3.     Collaboration
  4.     Adaptability
  5.     Time Management

The development of such skills is a critical factor in providing students with the tools needed to be successful in the workplace. However, it is equally essential for educators to teach hard skills such as the basics of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, CRM management, digital marketing, and data science. 

According to a 2016 McGraw-Hill Workforce Readiness Survey, 85% of college students feel that technology in the classroom has better prepared them to enter the workforce. The use of technology in the classroom can significantly supplement instruction and aid in the development of both soft and hard skills that are critical for a future job market.

Utilizing a classroom response system such as Squarecap can aid student development in a number of ways. Classroom response systems allow students to better comprehend material by periodically administering multiple-choice or free-response questions. Also, students can utilize the automatic grouping feature to work on challenging problems, developing soft skills such as creativity, collaboration, teamwork, and leadership. In this increasingly competitive job market, educators need to utilize all of the tools at their disposal to give their students the skills they need to succeed.

For more insights on how to use technology to engage your students, visit us at https://www.squarecap.com or continue the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

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